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We provide remote design services.
We've prepared a new design process to reduce in-person time significantly by using new digital scanning and presentation tools.
1. The Initial Meeting on Zoom, Facetime or Skype | Zoom, Facetime 又は Skypeでの初期ミーティング
Most of the meetings will be held online. The initial walk-through also could be done online to understand the project outline.
2. 3D Digital Interior Scanning | 3Dデジタルスキャンニングでの測量
Although the manual site measurement usually takes 1-2 hours, we use LiDAR 3D scanning technology, which reduces the time to 10 minutes per room
3. 3D Scope VR Presentation | 3Dスコープを使用したVRプレゼンテーション
Google Cardboard Scope and your smartphone makes it possible to present your new interior space in Virtual Reality.
Google Cardboardとお手持ちのスマートフォンを使用し、VRでリモデリング後の空間をプレゼンテーションします。
4. Deliver a Material Board | マテリアルボードの配送
We'll send you a finished material and sample board. You can feel and see the total coordination with actual materials.
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